In the first part of these series, we had a friendly discussion about the progressive and evolutionary process of banking, leading to modern banking. We took a quick look at how influential debit cards have been with their gradual progression and how much of an impact they have had on people’s lives on a daily basis. We also foresaw how far it can go in the long run and whether it’s ever going to stop progressing. The answer to the second question was obviously a “no”. But we are yet to talk about the importance of getting a travel debit card when traveling.
Anyways, now that we have briefly familiarized you with the popularity of debit cards in Iran, we think it is now time to introduce you to some facts regarding international debit cards and their operativeness in our country. In the continuance of the first part of these series, we’ll be talking about the importance of a travel debit card and continue on with addressing the reasons why you should get one when traveling to Iran.
Are international debit cards available in Iran?
As we have already stated, the answer to this question is no. International debit cards are neither issued nor capable of giving service to their customers in Iran. Likewise, Iranian debit cards don’t work abroad. If you have internet access you may be able to make online transactions with your MasterCard or Visa Card for instance. But that’s about that, as there are no further actions, that you are allowed to take with your personal debit card while you’re in Iran. So it helps if you have a travel debit card. But why is it important to have one, not only in Iran but in any country you’re traveling to?
Realize the importance of a travel debit card
Debit cards come in different shapes, names, and colors. Whichever you may be using, we bet they have made such a positive impact on your daily life routines that you wouldn’t want things to be any other way! One of them would be a “travel debit card”.
As we may all know, a travel debit card is a card into which you load foreign currency, in order to use it while you’re on a trip elsewhere on this planet of ours. Withdrawal from a travel money card is possible via an ATM, in a store, online or over the phone. While you’re able to load up to more than one foreign currency on your card, you can use it in multiple countries and locations. Some banks let you withdraw from your travel debit card in more than 36 million locations. Isn’t that great? To me, that sounds unbelievable. Unbelievable as of how far we have come. In spite of physical and political borders, we are now living in a borderless (relatively speaking!) world of economy and finance.
The benefits of owning a travel money card are similar to regular debit cards which shall not be underestimated. Aside from their common advantages, owning a travel debit card in a foreign country may make you a little bit more comfortable and a little less homesick! Instead of being confused about the amount of cash you would rather carry around, you have a card that gives you access to any amount of money whenever and wherever you need it. Given the fact that all we need is less stress during our vacation and while we’re on a trip, we should, in fact, look for a way or ways to fulfill that desire. If you look hard enough you’ll realize that a travel debit card serves this purpose quite perfectly.
So owning a travel debit card is not only essential but something you can let your hair down with. Not having to stress over money matters while you’re on a trip is a big deal actually. Relatively speaking!
Warm greetings from Iran
So in a country like Iran, where everything is unfamiliar, including the language, Iranian warmth and hospitality make things much much easier. Different languages don’t stop them from showing their warm-hearted sides as they communicate however they can. Whether it is through speaking in English, hand gestures and facial expressions they let it out as the hospitality is in Iranians’ blood. Put aside Iranians’ warm nature and hospitality, you need IRR (Iranian Rials) to spend and carry out your daily chores as a foreign traveler. So why not choose the easiest yet safest possible way to do so. When it comes to Iran, travel debit card is still the best option you get to choose. Here’s why!
Carrying cash is so far the most popular way travelers use. The obvious reason for this would be that they feel safer when the cash is right there with them. Either in their suitcase, backpack or purse along with other belongings. This suits pretty much everyone quite well. Not that it’s unusual, but for the most part, the downsides of making such decision have probably not been fully considered.
On the other hand, you don’t obviously carry loads of cash with you every day. Not that you can’t, but you choose not to as it’s not rational in the first place. Unless you’ve actually dealt with circumstances in which you’ve felt unsafe carrying around cash, you would most probably not realize the discomfort it may bring, mental-wise. Having said that, regardless of the country you’re traveling to, you wouldn’t feel it if you’re personally in the situation. Having to constantly worry about your money being robbed, or even for the simple reason of “forgetfulness”. You may even forget or miscalculate the change you have to receive.
Don’t let the zeros fool you
While in Iran you’re dealing with IRR you must realize that the likelihood of miscalculation is much higher in comparison to countries ranked as the first world countries. Not that we think you’re not good at math, but to emphasize the confusion currency difference- the number of zeros to be specific, may bring. It’s like we say IRR stands for lots of zeros. Those zeros may not so surprisingly freak you out.
Another possibility when encountering all those zeros may be the appearance of a thought bubble saying: “Hold on a second, am I suddenly richer now? But it is at that moment that someone needs to give you a reality check and tells you ” Keep dreaming baby!”. We are that “someone” by the way! So don’t let the zeros fool you. Bear that in mind if you choose to bring cash, chances are you’d encounter new circumstances and new circumstances may occasionally be confusing. Nothing worrisome, only humane errors, that’s all.

Iranian Rials
So you see, we’re well-intentioned when your money is involved! Even if you make some minor errors or face some unusual circumstances, we feel responsible, as we think we haven’t done enough to clear things up and avoid what could’ve been avoided. 🙂
Theft happens regardless of the country, although the likelihood may vary. And the amount has nothing to do with being first, second or a third world county.
Just to be clear
To make things clear, we’re not calling Iranians, opportunistic people who are looking to grab whatever you have. That is to say, they’re one of the most warm-hearted, people you would ever get to meet. They may offer to do things for you free of charge, such as a free ride, free cup of freshly brewed tea, a night stay at their place and the list goes on and on. Neither you’re poor at math and neither Iranians are all bad. But the point here is to tell you to expect some minor or even major intentional and non-intentional errors and occurrences along the way. That is to prepare you for the possibilities. In case you decide to carry around cash leave some room for those and try not to blame it on anyone, not even yourself.
Aside from that, why spend so much time calculating, adding, multiplying and subtracting. Converting and comparing your currency to IRR back and forth. It’s a trip for god’s sake. Give the mental exhaustion a rest, and free yourself from the hassles of doing mathematics on your trip. Unless you want some mental challenge and looking to improve your mathematics skills. In that case, you’re more than welcome to do so.
Exchange Dilemma
In addition to what has been discussed earlier, there are a few other things to add. As we have mentioned in previous paragraphs, the currency you’re dealing with in Iran is Iranian Rials. A currency which is different from what you normally use in your everyday life. What that means is that you can not spend foreign currency while you’re in Iran. So that only leaves you with one choice, which is exchanging money at one of the many exchange centers in Iran, preferably Tehran. More information on the best places to exchange your money is available in this link.
Different exchange centers may buy your currency at various rates, which may leave you confused. The confusion may also be as a result of fluctuation and instability of IRR and the economy in general. You, on the other hand, may also feel used which is the result of not being fully aware of the consequences of exchanging your money in miscellaneous exchange centers. If you add “different exchange fees” to this equation of confusing elements, it will give you a hell of a lot to deal with in only one day!
Imagine yourself having to do that for several days. Why do that, when you can gather all the money you will need in a travel debit card and carry 12 grams instead of a bunch of notes?
What are we getting at?
The answer to this question is quite simple. While we discussed the downsides of carrying cash when traveling to a foreign country, specifically Iran, we also need to point out the benefits it may have in some specific ways. To name a few of these benefits, we can refer to the outcome of those calculations. You’ll be in touch with the expenses in Iran and learn quite a few things about Iranian currency. Which is a good thing and adds to the quality of your trip. However, as priceless as those lessons may be, it’s better to choose what’s best for your interest. Not only best but safest. That’s when we recommend using a travel debit card.
The importance of owning a debit card in Iran
By owning a travel debit card in Iran, you’d be free as a bird. No amount of physical cash will stress you out and make you uncomfortable. Let’s just make it short: “No cash, no stress!” With travel debit cards such as the MahCard, you can withdraw money anywhere and in any way you please. ATM, in-store, in person, and online purchases are made available via travel money cards. Online booking including your hotel (any other accommodation), flight, train and bus tickets or at the desk can be carried out using your travel debit card.
While you’re browsing the cities, you can spontaneously choose a cafe and(or) restaurant. Even if you don’t have cash with you, you can still pay with your travel debit card. So you don’t necessarily have to have cash. All you need is your travel debit card. Ask the waiter for the cheque and a wireless POS machine, enter your pin and pay for your food or coffee at your table or the cashier.
Carrying this travel debit card is like carrying a regular Iranian debit card. Reliably spending rials like an Iranian, and not having to worry about losing your money. Grocery shop like a local. No exchange center, no calculation, no nothing. The only thing you have to keep an eye on is your balance, which is simply accessible via an ATM. Need cash to pay for your taxi? Just find the closest ATM. The only calculation you need to do is to know how much change to receive from the driver. That’s it! So you see you won’t have to deal with no dilemma, no struggle whatsoever!
Our Gratitude
We’re at our all-time high when we have you not only here on this article but as our companions on this mission of ours, Mission MahCard and our newly born MahCell. The only thing we care for is your comfort, safety, and satisfaction. We are content just to have you here alongside us, even if you don’t use our services. We’ll be happily providing you with information from which you will benefit. The final decision is and always be yours to make and we are respectful towards the choices you make regarding your finances and travel expenses.

MahCard – Debit Card for Tourists Visiting Iran
But in case you choose us to be your travel debit card and mobile WiFi provider, we’d be happy and privileged to give you service. Just head to this page and read more about our services and ways to apply for them.
Warmest regards from MahCard team.