Being around since 1966, the debit card has entered our lives, successfully blended in and became permanent residents of our daily routines. Easing our transaction processes, it gradually replaced old fashioned ways of banking and payments in less than 25 years. How the society welcomed this new change is yet another story, smoothening the “blending in” process. According to Marketplace, surprisingly (or NOT!) with growing numbers of ATMs, debit card usage picked up in the ’80s and ’90s, and more than 300 million transactions were done using debit cards in the year 1990 alone! Since then many banks graciously welcomed this new permanent passenger by implementing and introducing it to their customers.
So you see, people awaited this change and did, in fact, give this little one a good greet! It’s like the more modern the life gets, the more the challenges. Hence it calls for less complexity and fast-paced processes. Plus, Finding ways around challenges and hardships is, in fact, a human thing, isn’t it?
As a result of that, the ground is set for a change that is evidently necessary! Through that realization, an idea is conceived. Following that, hardworking creative minds rise, get to work, doing research in an attempt to step ahead of time. Subsequently, the technology comes, it grows and everything falls into place from there. In other words, modern life, demands greater change. There’s a mutual relationship. In this mutual relationship, greater changes and how eagerly people greet them, make way for higher expectations and further improvements. Life is a succession of changes.
Locomotion Force
Yes! Evolution occurs naturally and inevitably in this ever-changing and ever-evolving world. However, expectations are the reinforcement power, asking for more, not to mention, antedating change and revving up the process. They’re like a compass pointing forward. Every little achievement not only sets the bar high for future generations but also makes room for subsequent possibilities and achievements. Which is a great thing! To put it another way, technologically we’re fastly moving forward and there’s no fixed goal regarding improvement and advancement, of which everyone may benefit. Having said that, debit cards were righteously a much-needed change arriving at the right time. And a new era of banking started called “electronic banking and E-banking was characterized by this new feature.
So why this article?
Given all that said earlier, it was for the importance of this revolutionary change that we as a dedicated group, decided to zoom in on the significance of debit cards. Specifically in Iran, which is seemingly going to be your future destination. We’re no fortunetellers, however, the fact that you’re here with us right this moment, somewhat tells us that you’re at least thinking about traveling to this beautiful middle-eastern cat. Or you may have already “planned” to fly or ride to this four-season country of ours.
Either way, we recommend reading this article until the very end. Not to brag but, it’s quite helpful and informative, as it also includes the credibility of Iranian debit cards. Even if you’re just browsing through various sites and sources, with no definite plans in mind yet, this article is still for you, making way for easier planning and decision making.
Figuring out the importance of owning a debit card is regardless of the geographic location, nonetheless, here on this article, our emphasis will be on Iran. Serving the purpose of clarification and reassurance. As it is with many other articles on our website. On the other hand, we figured it’d be best if we talked a little more about the progression, and the pros and cons of debit cards. We enjoy digging deeper into important subjects. Not to mention, revealing and magnifying details, upon which you can reliably act. That is to say, we love having deep conversations with you, therefore, we can not wait to share what we know, including the importance of a travel debit card.
Given the importance of this subject matter, we decided to divide it into two separate yet connected articles to give you enough time to digest each and every part before continuing on with the rest. That is to say, the intention was to both emphasize the significance of debit cards and to also make it the information provided less boring. So stay focused cause, we’re about to proceed with what we initially had in mind.
Debit Cards a blessing or a curse?
Every little change, especially at its very early stages, may encounter problems, and face resistance. Whether it’s Iran or any other country in Europe. Actually, the hassles along the way make the journey even more exciting and bring out a more delightful and satisfactory result. From when it’s only a seedling, a raw idea, waiting to be acknowledged and manifested into reality by an enthusiastic investor. Later when that seedling is a mature and blissful tree, it may still need to face people who hold strongly to their beliefs. As opposed to the people who eagerly welcomed the debit card, they think old fashioned methods are way more convenient and trustworthy.
It is for the fear of the unknown and unfamiliar that they choose to hold their ground. This resistance is most likely due to the confusion that it may bring. To this group, this new payment method is alien, and likewise confusing so they find it hard to accept the fact that this is factually the new reality. This conservative way of thinking may lead them to believe that the more they’re physically in touch with their money the more reliable it is. That, in fact, makes them less flexible in terms of coping with any change, big or small. So much so that, the susceptibility of newly introduced changes and technologies being accepted by this group is lower compared to the rest of the society, eagerly greeting positive change.
You’re Not Lost You’re Here
However, neither of these can and ever will prevent any new idea from happening and growing into a fruitful tree, as progress is the result of adaptation rather than reconstruction. The group we talked about earlier, is much less in quantity comparing to what we call them “followers” or “believers”. Although they may feel a little lost at first but at some point, this minority will gradually deal with the changes and go with the flow. They will eventually catch-up and will most definitely identify and acknowledge the cruciality and convenience of the “newcomer”. So much that they wouldn’t want it any other way! And yes by “newcomer” we mean new technologies and methods introduced to the global society, including debit cards. While we’re at it we want to remind you of this famous saying: “The slower it goes the further it goes”.
In any case, things run their course until they are settled. They grow bigger and bigger until they’re taller than our imagination. Then their presence becomes so natural and ordinary as if they have always been there from the very beginning. Debit cards being one of the many transformations that changed people’s lives are no different.
Moving Forward
In order to realize the importance and convenience of debit cards you only need to imagine a day without them. All the things you can simply get done with the help of debit cards now, you’d have to do without. And in all honesty, at this point in time, when we’ve already gotten so attached to these 8.5 in 5.4 cm cards, we’d be helpless without them! That’s no secret and It’s not a hard guess actually! As what we are capable of doing now with the assistance of debit cards is way more than what we could do without them in the past when there was no such thing as debit cards.
Some Serious Questions!
Are things easier regarding handling your finances? Ask yourself this question and give yourself an honest answer! That’s the question I ask myself every few months, especially when my bills are due, I urgently need to settle my account with someone or to buy a ticket to a play I can’t miss! I even thank the person(people) whom their ideas have lead us to where we are now!
The odds are never zero
Wherever we are, be it on a trip or elsewhere running our errands, debit cards pretty much always come to our rescue. Saving us from traveling back and forth to the bank, writing a cheque, and cashing our cheques. Shopping and paying our bills now only requires a bank account, a debit card, an ATM or a reasonably good internet connection when purchasing online. Although you’re not physically in touch with your money at least you can keep track of your transactions 24/7.
Whether it’s your balance you need to check or the amount of money that has been withdrawn from your account, all are just one click or an ATM away. With debit cards, you not only need fewer visits to the banks, but debit cards have significantly reduced the chances of money loss due to robbery or absent-mindedness. Accidents happen and the likelihood of money loss is never zero. However, there are many ways to claim your money and retrieve it. And that is due to the fact that keeping track of your transactions is relatively easy as opposed to previous banking generations.
Were you able to do all these things as easy as you can now? Of course not! You can now easily do all sorts of things using your debit cards and with fewer hassles. With debit cards, in general, carrying out tasks has been made incredibly easy. Debit cards have been a privilege, providing us with numerous features we have never thought would exist one day. So however you put it, the pros of debit cards weigh significantly heavier than its cons. Conclusively, owning a debit card is not only convenient but crucial in this modern world.
Could it be any easier?
Admittedly yes! Debit and credit cards are currently in the best shape as far as they go. But, in fact, they can and will improve, as I’m sure there’s no cessation to technology. Given what I’ve previously stated, there are no defined finish lines when it comes to progression and improvement. More importantly to human nature, as it is always looking for ways to make things easier and more convenient for its own kind. And that is feasible through making improvements and modifications. In other words, technology is capable of further advancements as far as the human mind can go. And the potency seems to be infinite.
It’s like humans are hungry for change and convenience all at the same time. There’s no stopping to what this human species can achieve. The insatiable, technology-hungry humankind and the technology itself, hand in hand are in competition with their previous generations. It doesn’t matter how unrealistic and undoable one idea may seem at first. They fight tooth and nails in order to get it done anyways. And once they get it done and achieve what they had thought was impossible, they’d be hungry for more. That is human nature.
But honestly, what’s not to love about the opportunities debit cards currently have to offer?
Where does Iran stand?
Technology knows no borders. Assuming there are only good technologies from which every individual can benefit, technology can be analogized a good virus traveling the world, spreading all across the globe, leaving its footprint everywhere it goes. It was before Iran’s Islamic Revolution that this new member of modern banking was introduced to our country. Iran then eagerly joined the club of modern banking and received its membership. We have previously gone through the history of debit cards and credit cards in Iran very briefly. So we’re not planning to bother you with going through them all over again. In the above-mentioned article, we also included the “hows” regarding paying with debit cards in Iran. Which we thought might come in handy once you are done reading this article. Yes, we’ve got it all covered. Don’t worry! 🙂
While international debit cards don’t work in Iran, there are many other alternatives made available both to Iranian residents and foreign travelers. Since the arrival of debit cards in Iran, many banks have facilitated their customers with this new virtual payment method. A method any thoughtful provider would implement, in order to maintain the interest of their clients’. Aside from official banks, many other private banks and institutes have also been opened, issuing debit cards for their customers. Not to mention these debit cards can travel with you anywhere in Iran and are operative all throughout the country.
How influential has it been?
Suffice it to say, the landing of “debit card” in Iran was pretty much successful. As it was graciously welcomed by the Iranian people. Debit card usage peaked quite significantly during the 2000s. People gained access to an ocean of information through the internet and the world wide web. As a result of that the more people knew, the better they realized and acknowledged the benefits of debit cards and other modern facilities. Both for its many advantages, and for the sake of their money’s safety. So internet accessibility played a significant role in introducing new opportunities and facilities to the Iranian people.
Fast forward to today, the majority of the Iranian population now choose debit cards as a payment method. Paying bills and cashing balance is now available through countless ATMs in the country. Other than that, online purchases such as booking hotels, buying train, bus and airplane tickets have been made possible for almost everyone. Except for areas with weak or no cellular internet coverage, nearly everyone can easily carry out whatever they need to do online. Speaking of cellular coverage, check out our MahCell. This is just out of the oven and ready to rock your world.
So now the next question would be the availability of international debit cards in Iran. Read on to find out the answer to this question.