We have come a long way since the arrival of debit cards and credit cards. Or at least it feels like a long time. It’s been long enough that we may have even forgotten about the nostalgic way of carrying money. Does the phrase “money in paper bags” ring a bell? Let us refresh your memories by traveling back in time when money counter machines were the best we could get in terms of technology.
Our main purpose of this article is to talk about the ways you can pay with a debit card on your next trip to Iran. We at MahCard will be assisting you in each and every step of the way. However, we assumed you may want to have perspectives on this subject. By the end of this article, you’ll know what to expect when you arrive in Iran.
Besides that, we thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea that before addressing our subject matter, we take you on a very short trip back in time.
If you lived through the “Cash-only” era what you’re going to read is surely some of the issues you probably had to deal with. But if you’re the child of the age of technology, then this might sound like a granny story but it sure is interesting to learn. Irrespective of our countries, whether it’s Iran or any other country in the world what used to be, has obviously lead us to the place we are now.
Make sure you follow us through the whole article as it contains information which will come in handy on your next trip to Iran.
How did it feel like back then?
Money deposit and withdrawal often required more than one travel to the bank. Especially when large sums of money were involved in these transactions! The fear of having our monies stolen was our constant and loyal company.
Paying for groceries were indeed a different story. We wouldn’t know how much we’d spend beforehand so we obviously didn’t know how much to withdraw from our accounts! Calculating the exact number was never and isn’t still possible.
When it comes to shopping, two of the likeliest and most tangible things that can happen are price changes and our craving for something out of our ordinary schedule. At that point in time, we should have either calculated the closest amount of money we would need based on our previous shopping experiences. Or we should have just withdrawn more money from our account to cover for probable and unscheduled plans that might come up.
Imagine what would have happened if we didn’t predict our extra expenses? The worst case scenario was that we’d encounter a shortage of money after the banks working hours. Imagine what a disaster it would be!
Our Saviours
Fast forward to the birth of credit cards and debit cards. Our saviors saved most of us from these dilemmas and I’m sure many of us praise the Lord for such innovation. Not having to deal with money-loss and money shortage anxiety solves half of our previous problems. Other than this majority, there are people who are still too conservative to use credit cards and prefer being in touch with real and touchable money.
We can agree with the downsides of both to some extent. With credit cards, we may go too far, lose track of our spending and put ourselves in heavy debts. As for the debit cards, the fact that we’re dealing with the invisible version of money we may also lose track of our account’s balance. So the main problem is not with the methods but it’s with us. Therefore we must educate ourselves on the proper use of credit and debit cards. Other than that their advantages weigh heavier than their disadvantages.
Good or bad we are now, here! And many of us carry multiple credit cards and(or) debit cards.
History of Debit Card & Credit Card in Iran
Unlike many countries that started this journey with credit cards, Iran stepped into this road of innovation with debit cards. Initially, the foundations of bank card and electronic banking expansion in Iran were set on debit cards. In terms of electronic banking development, debit cards were to Iran as credit cards were to other non-Islamic countries. Given the religious prohibition of credit cards, debit cards held the responsibility of electronic banking development.
Before 1997, some banks offered credit card issuing as a showcase to their difference from other banks. With the lifting of religious prohibitions in 1997, credit cards became officially lawful. Nevertheless, this clearance has not yet resulted in the development of credit cards and the debit cards have preserved their dominance.
This technology has been welcomed by the majority of the people. Especially with the growing numbers of private banks (Non-governmental banks) debit card usage in Iran is on the rise. Currently, in almost every shop, grocery store, newsstand kiosk, and bazaar costumers are provided with the option of paying with their debit cards.
Up until this moment, we have informed you about the history of debit cards in Iran. We may have also eased your mind by confirming their reliability. We think it is now safe to move on to the next chapter which includes the ways to pay using debit cards in Iran.
What do Debit Cards look like in Iran?
Debit cards in Iran are the same as any other debit card in this whole wide world. But this could be considered a distance acquaintance before you receive your personalized Iranian debit card.
Card holder’s name, expiry date, CVV2 code and the card’s number are the information provided on a debit card in Iran. The format of the card’s number follows international rules which consist of 16 numbers divided into groups of four. **** **** **** ****
The only distinguishing characteristics of debit cards in Iran are their looks, appearance, designs and the placement of this information on the cards. Other than that all Iranian debit cards are equal.
How to pay using a Debit Card in Iran
Debit cards in Iran no only look the same but they work the same. Irrespective of the city and the bank you receive your debit card from in Iran, these cards are utilizable nationwide. When you receive your debit card, you’ll be presented with a sealed envelope next to your card. In this sealed envelope, are enclosed your debit card’s confidential data. What are the confidential data? Well, in this envelope you’re provided with a code, designed specifically to your debit card number. No one is aware of the envelope’s contents prior to being opened.
When you open up the envelope you’ll see a 4-digit number which is your card’s PIN number. Clearly, the PIN is highly confidential and shouldn’t be shared with anyone. You can also try changing your default PIN via an ATM machine. Because your peace of mind speaks first.
No matter where you go, whether it’s a shop, newsstand kiosk, grocery store or bus terminal, you have the option of paying with debit cards. Irrespective of the bank your card is issued from, your card is usable in each and every one of these places. So wherever you go and whatever you choose to buy, this PIN is what you’ll be entering when using your personalized debit card.
How to shop online with debit cards in Iran
Online shopping is the next thing you can do with these debit cards. Bus, train and airplane tickets are a few of the things you can purchase online. In order to do that you’ll first need to get your second PIN number. How do you do that? As we have already mentioned, we at MahCard will be personally helping you through these steps and stages but the purpose is to clear things up in advance. Getting the 2nd PIN requires going to an ATM. But not just any ATM. The ATM of the bank you have received your debit card from. Through this process, you can enter your own desired PIN for online shopping.
When shopping online you’ll be asked for your confidential data: Debit Card number, CVV2, expiry date, internet passcode (2nd PIN). You can also enter your email address in a field provided in the form, and you’ll receive your transaction receipt right in your email box.
Checking your account’s balance
In order to see your account’s balance, you’ll just need to head to one of the ATMs, insert your card, choose the English language, enter your PIN, and in the list provided choose Account’s Balance.
We hope that the information provided here have cleared some doubts and questions regarding using Debit Cards in Iran. We are also looking forward to providing you with more informative and valuable data. To help in making it a more comfortable stay on your next trip to Iran.